Wednesday, February 1, 2023



Imbolc (known in some traditions as February Eve) marks the midpoint of winter, halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The daylight hours are visibly longer now, and depending on where you are, the first hints of renewed life are appearing. Snowdrops and crocuses are budding, and daffodils are sending forth the tentative green shoots that will unfurl soon into leaves and blossoms. The world is slowly reawakening.

There is no one coherent myth cycle followed by all pagans or Wiccans; I'm among the many who have tried in vain for years to puzzle one out only to finally give it up and just roll with what appears to be happening in nature for the most part. Some more Celtically inspired folks do celebrate Brighid at this time, Imbolc being the traditional time of her feast day; as a woman of Celtic ancestry and a novice harper, I've begun a rather tentative devotional practice for Brighid as she does have some mythological connection to harps and harpers. The traditional BoS rite for this sabbat is maddeningly vague and has nothing at all to do with a god-and-goddess connection. Ultimately, it's a fire festival, so whatever else you choose to focus upon, make sure you bring the restoration of light and life into your celebration.

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