Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Spring Equinox


@ ravenmmonsoracle.com

Spring came early this year, after a blessedly mild winter (in the sense of little snowfall and warmish temperatures overall; I choose to ignore the sub-zero ice-laden Christmas weekend), with things greening and blooming just in time for a one-two punch of below freezing mornings that cost me some shrubberies and other assorted small growing things. Tornadoes (one skipping along a mile or so from me) and wind storms (one took out our power for nearly a day) added to the entertainment--but I'm sure there's no such thing as climate change. This is all perfectly normal. Nothing at all to see here.

Still, the equinox (Ostara if you like) is a cause for celebration, a sigh of relief that the light is strengthening, the green things are rising, the tender first blossoms lifting their little heads to follow the sun. It's a reminder that we've made it through the dark times once more.